Monday, August 2, 2010

Dr. Dave Miller of "Apologetics Press," On America's Most Pressing Concern

The following videos were presented by Dr. Dave Miller to the Wetumpka Tea Party.

Dr. Miller is a preacher among Institutional Churches of Christ, and also the director of "Apologetics Press" The following videos expose, without a doubt, by examining the founder's writings, that this nation was indeed founded upon biblical principal, with view of "Christianity" (used in a general sense) to be a core value for the success and prosperity of this nation.

“America’s Most Pressing Concern Part I” by Dr. David Miller author and national speaker from Wetumpka Tea Party on Vimeo.

Americas Most Pressing Needs Part II by Dr. David Miller author and national speaker from Wetumpka Tea Party on Vimeo.


  1. This is really surprising to me. Back at BTSOP, Dave was actually nor terribly political. In fact, he was quite sympathetic to pacifism while i was there--not saying it's utterly incompatible, but holding pacifism and strong political involvement seem at least slightly in tension to me. But perhaps he's given up the former since my BTSOP years.

    His taste for political seems to be a development since starting his work at AP. i must say, i think it's just plain scary.


  2. I have noticed a shift in the AP since Dr. Miller took over. Though, in these videos, he's not really being "political." I would argue that it's probably more historical. He focuses on documents written by, and about the founding fathers during their time.

    The issues is that "Christianity" (used accommodatingly) was part of the beginning of this nation, and there was a great reliance upon a belief and "respect" for God in the beginning of this nation.

    It blows apart the idea that the founding fathers were all (or mostly) deists with no real trust or belief in God.

  3. Kurt,

    I believe you are mixing time periods, separated by a century and a half. The first colonists, in the 17th century, were all Christians who came to these shores to set up religious colonies within the beliefs of their particular sects. They were quite strict about who were allowed to settle in each colony and what the "proper" doctrine and worship was to be tolerated. There were public beatings and some public executions for those who did not worship in the "proper" manner. This is what the later deist Founders, of the 18th century were reacting against(except for some Christians such as Patrick Henry who would have wanted a Christian theocracy sponsored by the state). The "country"--i.e., the United States, with its Constitution and structure of government--was set up expressly for freedom of religion, not as a Christian theocracy. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison were hardly Christians, even though they used some of the Deist religious language, as was fashionable in that day, in their writings; but extremely little of it was expressly Christian.

    So, early settlers--yes, they were Christian. The later Founders and the government they set up along the lines of liberty? No, not very Christian. But, Christians had the right to practice freely. This was the genius of the Founders.

  4. I don't disagree that some of the founding fathers were deists. I've never denied it. The point is, if you watch the videos, that even those who were deists were not vehemently opposed to the Christianity of the day.

    I don't argue that this nation is now, or ever was a "Christian nation" nor do I believe that it exists by some divine rite. But by the same token, I don't buy the new idea that the founding fathers where some how anti-christian.
